Published On: Tue, Jan 20th,

Denmark to Have More Sex for More Babies in Town

Copenhagen: Thisted City Council has pleaded the citizens to have more sex and multiply the birthrate, seeking the declining state in the region.

According to foreign news agency the politicians have did hard to convince the residents to sex more and more to tackle the birth rate in the town which has declining day by day heading to shut down schools and nurseries or merge them to other buildings.

The Demographic crisis has been effecting all of European countries and birth rate goes down, it is is not first time that Denmark focused on that issue to tackle the dwindling birth rate in the country.

Lars Sloth, director of Thisted council, said that they had a hearing with the local community and asked them what they could do about institutions closing and so few babies being born.

One of the citizens’ organizations suggested this deal as an option, however, now it is really hard to accept the fact that birth rates that have dropped to 1.7 per family, she added.
